Can Low-Level Laser Therapy Cure Hypothyroidism?

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT), also known as cold laser therapy, is a form of alternative medicine that uses low-level (low-power) lasers or light-emitting diodes to alter cellular function. Over the years, it has been used to treat a variety of conditions including musculoskeletal pain, wound healing, and more recently, thyroid disorders. Hypothyroidism, a condition characterized by an underactive thyroid gland, is one such disorder that has been the focus of LLLT research. But can low-level laser therapy truly cure hypothyroidism? Let’s delve into the research and expert opinions to find out.

Understanding Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a common thyroid disorder characterized by the thyroid gland’s inability to produce sufficient thyroid hormones. These hormones are crucial for metabolic processes and energy production in the body. Symptoms of hypothyroidism can range from fatigue, weight gain, and depression to severe complications like heart problems and infertility.

Low-Level Laser Therapy and Hypothyroidism

Low-level laser therapy works by applying low power lasers to the body’s surface. The lasers penetrate the skin and are absorbed by the cells, which can stimulate cell metabolism and improve blood flow. In the context of hypothyroidism, LLLT is applied to the thyroid gland with the aim of stimulating its function and hormone production.

What Does the Research Say?

Several studies have explored the potential of LLLT in treating hypothyroidism. A notable study published in the journal Lasers in Surgery and Medicine found that LLLT could significantly improve thyroid function and reduce the need for thyroid medication in patients with chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, a common cause of hypothyroidism. However, it’s important to note that while these results are promising, more extensive research is needed to fully understand the long-term effects and potential risks of LLLT for hypothyroidism treatment.

Is LLLT a Cure for Hypothyroidism?

While LLLT has shown potential in improving thyroid function and reducing the need for medication, it’s premature to label it as a ‘cure’ for hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is a chronic condition that often requires lifelong management. LLLT may serve as a beneficial adjunct therapy, but it should not replace conventional treatments such as thyroid hormone replacement therapy.


Low-level laser therapy may offer a promising alternative or adjunct treatment for hypothyroidism, but more research is needed to establish its efficacy and safety. Patients with hypothyroidism should always consult with their healthcare provider before starting any new treatment. As with any health condition, the best approach to managing hypothyroidism is a comprehensive one that includes proper medication, a healthy lifestyle, and regular check-ups.