Should I Skip Naruto Fillers and Go Straight to Shippuden?

As a Naruto fan, you might be wondering whether to skip the fillers and jump straight to Naruto Shippuden. This is a common question among fans, especially those who are eager to follow the main storyline. The answer, however, is not as straightforward as it might seem. It depends on your personal preferences, your interest in the characters’ development, and your tolerance for non-canon material. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of skipping Naruto fillers and moving directly to Shippuden.

Understanding Naruto Fillers

Filler episodes in anime are those that do not contribute to the main storyline and are not based on the original manga. They are typically used to fill the gap while waiting for the manga to progress. In the case of Naruto, a significant portion of the series is made up of fillers. Some fans appreciate these episodes for their character development and side stories, while others find them unnecessary and distracting.

Pros of Skipping Naruto Fillers

  • Quicker Progression: By skipping the fillers, you can move on to Naruto Shippuden faster and follow the main storyline without interruptions.

  • Less Repetition: Some fans find the fillers repetitive and prefer to focus on the main plot.

  • More Action: Naruto Shippuden is known for its intense action scenes and skipping the fillers can get you to these exciting parts quicker.

Cons of Skipping Naruto Fillers

  • Missed Character Development: Fillers often provide additional character development and backstory that you might miss if you skip them.

  • Less Comprehensive Understanding: Without watching the fillers, you might not have a complete understanding of the Naruto universe and its characters.

  • Missed Entertainment: Some fillers are entertaining and enjoyable in their own right, offering a break from the main storyline’s intensity.

Should You Skip Naruto Fillers?

The decision to skip Naruto fillers ultimately depends on your personal preferences. If you’re primarily interested in the main storyline and want to progress quickly, skipping the fillers might be the best option for you. However, if you enjoy character development and want a more comprehensive understanding of the Naruto universe, you might want to watch the fillers.

Regardless of your decision, remember that watching Naruto is about enjoying the journey. Whether you choose to watch the fillers or skip them, the most important thing is to enjoy the experience and immerse yourself in the world of Naruto.